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Key Marketing Must-Dos Before Attending Fall Business Events

Written by John Espinoza | Aug 15, 2018 5:11:00 PM
Let’s face it, in Q3, when you're likely the busiest you're probably not executing the marketing you know you should. When ironically, that is the time you need to be nurturing your next clients so you hit (or hopefully exceed) your 2018 goals, as well as set yourself up for a successful 2019.

I've found late summer is an ideal season as a business owner to assess your business and brand, as well as refresh your online and off-line marketing materials before Fall business events kick into high gear.

With that in mind, here are Key Marketing Must-Dos Before Attending Fall Business Events that will help put your best brand forward. I'm doing these myself this week before I depart for beautiful Coronado for a three-day CEO business retreat, and a little fun, of course.

1) Printed Brand Review 

Gather your "branded" marketing brochures, business cards, signage and any other printed materials and ask yourself: Do the visuals and messaging  represent your business and what it stands for TODAY? Is your identity to date? Are you positioned distinctly from your competitors in your text? Is your expertise noted? And lastly, and most important: is your contact information current (cell, email, social media address, etc.). Nothing looks more off-brand than outdated materials.

2) Refresh Buyer Personas

Are you crystal clear on your audience and know their pain points (Quick tip: use the same language that they do when describing your business to them), they will feel heard and more likely to see you as a guide to help solve their “problem.” Also, when evaluating your target market(s) update their buyer profiles with their social media preferences. Frequenting social media sites where your potential customers spend time is key.

3) Assess Digital Marketing

One of THE biggest lost opportunities I see with clients is they have a well-crafted website but it isn’t converting visitors into customers because there is not a strategic buyer’s journey incorporating a valuable lead capture incentive.

Inevitably visitors check out your About Page (which by the way is THE most visited page on websites), click on a few Services or Products, perhaps read a blog post or case study, and then click away if they are not provided a valuable download that informs and educates. This "gap", or "hole," in the marketing funnel will result in your company not being perceived as a valuable resource and then there goes your lead jumping back on Google and potentially landing on your competitor's website.

With that in mind, we've developed a useful checklist to help identify key areas in your marketing funnel where you could be losing customers.


4) Review Strategy

Your marketing strategy should incorporate all of the ways your company will help buyers with useful information that resolves their pain points. The key is to see the buyer's journey through your potential customer’s eyes and lead them to the solution.


A successful strategy based on the buyer's journey progresses from Awareness >  Attraction  > Decision and should position you as the expert guide.


For a more detailed explanation of the Buyer's Journey, check out this earlier blog post here.

5) Update Tools

Once your buyer's journey and strategy are refined, it’s time to review your CRM software tools and confirm your web pages are optimized. Investing in a leading CRM tool (rather than “stitching” it together as many do) is key to growth and good time management. Additionally, optimizing your web pages will lead to better Google page ranking.

Now that your off-line and online marketing are on-point you’re prepared for a successful event and conference season, as well as continued business growth.

Wrap Up

Fall events are your last chance to zero in on new business before the holiday season begins and business decisions are often tabled. So make hay while the summer sun shines, enjoy a cold one and then sit back and relax knowing you are prepared to finish the year strong. Let me know how you're refreshing your marketing, or tools you find useful, in the comments below. Cheers!