Using our inside-out Brand Profile methodology, we discovered an interesting fact about Counting Sheets. We learned that the founder was more to his clients than a financial wizard who could save healthcare institutions up to 40% on their bottom line. He was a trusted advisor.
Part of our primary research process leads us to create another critical piece, a Buyer Persona.
Counting Sheets needed a website that reflected their strengths in the healthcare marketplace as a trusted advisor to Healthcare Chief Financial Officers. Another objective was to position them for growth. See the full Counting Sheets website here.
Counting sheets attends trade shows regularly and needs a printed piece that they could hand out that reflects the most vital information to prospective clients. Also, the same document can be optimized for web loading and viewing and repurposed for digital distribution.
I'll review your current digital marketing, brand or website. I'll tell you what's working and what could be working harder to build your business